So many persons wants to sign up for whatsapp and but doesn’t know how to go about it. This particular article is for you, and it’s meant to simplify the signing up process for you.
whatsapp has some enabled phones for signing up which are:-
We all know that the Registration and download can only be done on Whatsapp official app homepage on Or at
All the people finding it hard to sign up should note that the WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows all users to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS, so only this features attract millions to the Network.
You must know your number and note that the whatsapp is just like a gurantee for 1 year and after that the whatsapp messenger will begin requesting for payment and if not paid within a stipulated period of time, we all know the consequences i.e . BANNED.
Enjoy Whatsapping.