Why is it important to have a website design for your company you may think? One of the key things is that it can promote your...
Web applications are the leading cause of security incidents for financial services, according to the 2016 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report; this is up from 31...
Earlier this week, a massive security bug known as Heartbleed had been discovered— a vulnerability that could allow intruders to trick servers into spewing out your...
Javascript is taking over. The cross-platform apps are trending as people prefer quick solutions while developers rely on the advanced tools and platforms for building complicated...
Technology can make people more productive but a survey carried out by software giant Microsoft suggests that it can also be a distraction. Many of the...
The Facebook CEO detailed his progress with this project in a longer text post on Monday, but Tuesday’s video gives a better idea of how it...
With advances in information technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence developing at a rapid rate, workforce dislocations are happening now and are here to stay.
Imagine building a computer you’d never seen, with no plan for putting it together and only grainy black-and-white photos and decades-old memories to guide you. This...
A majority of us have and use smartphones on the daily, but how many of us actually maximize its functions?
Valeo, a automotive supplier, partnered with Gemalto, a digital security company, set to bring security to its virtual car keys system called Valeo InBlue.
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